DCA Offers Virtual Painter Training

As a result of a partnership between the University of Kentucky Painting Technology Consortium and the Division of Compliance Assistance (DCA), virtual painter training is now available to facilities and educational organizations. Developed at the University of Northern Iowa’s Waste Reduction Center, the Virtual Paint training system uses the latest technologies to train current and future spray technicians without wasting time and money. The system allows users to view and interact with real spray application equipment while simulating the actual application on to a virtual surface.


Spray coating operations emit particulate matter and volatile organic compounds that can include hazardous air pollutants. Most operations require an air quality permit. By improving a painter’s spray technique, facilities can save money, reduce emissions and reduce the amount of materials used, resulting in less wasted product. Traditional training programs require the use of “real” paints and solvents, thereby generating emissions and waste products. Virtual Paint allows facilities to train employees without spending money on supplies or travel, while at the same time eliminating emissions and providing real-time feedback.

“If DCA can help facilities realize that small behavior changes result in both environmental improvements and  savings in time and money, then that is a win-win for everyone. It is even better that we can do this in a virtual environmental and reduce our training footprint as well,” said Kenya Stump, Environmental Assistance Manager at DCA.

If entities are interested in arranging on-site training, contact Kenya Stump at envhelp@ky.gov.