Ag. Water Quality Training

The Division of Compliance Assistance and the University of Kentucky are teaming up for a series of free agriculture water-quality training events. These events are targeted at service providers and those interested in learning more about best management practices for use on agricultural operations. A review of what an Agriculture Water Quality Plan is will be provided, along with an in-depth review of best management practices for use on crop and livestock farms to reduce runoff, improve water quality and improve performance at these operations. Documented examples will show how compliance and implementation of best management practices can result in a competitive advantage for these operations. For more information, please visit the webpage for training . 

July 18, 9 a.m.-noon CDT: UK Research and Education Center, 1205 Hopkinsville Street, Princeton, Ky.
July 25, 9 a.m.-noon EDT: Center for Rural Development, 2292 South Highway 27, Somerset, Ky.
Aug. 1, 9 a.m.-noon CDT: Warren County Extension Office, 3132 Nashville Road, Bowling Green, Ky.

To register, contact Amanda Gumbert at